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Journal : International Journal of Elementary Education

Alternative Assessments in Online Learning at Elementary Education during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Strenghths and Weaknesses Arifuddin, Ahmad; Turmudi, Turmudi; Rokhmah, Ummi Nur
International Journal of Elementary Education Vol 5, No 2 (2021): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijee.v5i2.33532


This study aims to describe the types of online learning assessments that can be implemented at elementary education along with its advantages and disadvantages. This studyemployed a qualitative approach with the literature review. The data were analyzed through reviewing the implementation of online learning assessments at elementary education. In addition, the the results of empiricalstudiesregarding the assessments in online learning were also reviewed. The results of this study showed that online learning assessments that can be implementedin elementary education were formative and summative assessments.It includedcognitive assessments, performance assessments, portfolios, writings and journals, self-assessment and peers-assessments. The use of online learningassessments has many advantages such asthe availability to conduct tests on demand and at any time, provides direct feedback to users, the students’quick access to the test results, and a more accurate measurement ofstudent learning. However, online assessment systems also have several drawbacks, such as students who have low information technology (IT) skills might be disadvantaged. For this reason, in implementing online learning and assessment, teachers and studentsshould master information and communication technology skills.
Alternative Assessments in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Strenghths and Weaknesses Ahmad Arifuddin; Turmudi Turmudi; Ummi Nur Rokhmah
International Journal of Elementary Education Vol 5 No 2 (2021): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijee.v5i2.33532


Currently, online learning becomes a new trend in the Indonesian education. But, the educators are not ready to adapt to online learning, especially in online learning assessments. This study aims to describe the alternative assessments in online learning that can be implemented at elementary education along with its advantages and disadvantages. This study employed a qualitative approach with the literature review method. Researchers collected a number of reputable national and international journal articles, textbooks, handbooks, regulations, and so on from the google scholar database, science direct, eric, and others related to research problems and objectives. The analysis of the literature review uses the critical appraisal method. The results of this study showed that online learning assessments that can be implemented in elementary education were formative and summative assessments. It included cognitive assessments, performance assessments, portfolios, writings and journals, self-assessment and peers-assessments. The use of online learning assessments has many advantages such as the availability to conduct tests on demand and at any time, provides direct feedback to users, the students’ quick access to the test results, and a more accurate measurement of student learning. However, online assessment systems also have several drawbacks, such as students who have low information technology (IT) skills might be disadvantaged. For this reason, in implementing online learning and assessment, teachers and students should master information and communication technology skills.
Co-Authors Aan Subhan P Abdul Fatah Abdul Latip Abdul Latip Abdurrahman do muhamad Naser Adawia, Aida Agus Haerani Agus Muharram Ahmad Arifuddin Ahmad Rizal Jalaludin Ahmad Rizal Jalaludin Al Jupri Alman alman Ambar Gini Permatasari Andini Dwi Rachamwati Anggi Lestari Purnama Anwar Aprianto Abdurahman Arie Dharmawan Arie Dharmawan Asep Safaat Asep Syarif Hidayat Ayunda Sri Wahyuningrum Badrus, Badrus Bambang Avip Priatna Martadiputra cakrawala Cahya Karisma Pertiwi Cahya Karisma Pertiwi Dadan Rahmat Dadan Rusdiana Saputra Dadan Rusdiana Saputra Dadang Juandi Darhim Darhim Dasim Budimansyah, Prayoga Bestari, Redi Yamanto, Dasim Budimansyah, Deby Ifevayona Ginting Dian Nopiyani Dian Robiatussa’diyah Didi Suhaedi Didi Suryadi Didi Suryadi Dinantika, Tutus Dini Febriani Diski Novianda E. Nurlaelah Edi Supriyadi Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah Endang Mulyana Esti Harini Febriandi, Riduan Febriandi Febrinna Marchy Ferlia Putri Rahmania Firda Fauziah Fitria Sulistyowati Freddy Prasetyo Fuadiah, Nyiayu Fahriza Fuji Azzumar Gita Yulia Dewi H N Fitriani Hafiziani Eka Putri, Hafiziani Eka Hamdan Sugilar Hani Nurhasanah Harina Fitriyani Hasti Robiasih Hayani Wulandari, Hayani Hayatun Nufus Hendrayati, Wida Sri Herli Salim Hidayat, Abas Idat Muqodas Ika Fitri Apriani Ilham Muhammad Indra Suhendra Inne Marthyane Pratiwi Intan Nurunnahar Irmadi Nahib Ismail, Mochamad Tubagus Jamhari Jamhari Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan Jozua Sabandar Jozua Sabandar Kartika Yulianti Kasmad, Mamad Khabibur Rohman Khusnul Novianingsih Kisno Kusnandi Kusnandi, Kusnandi Lilik Ariyanto Mahmudin Mahmudin Mefa Indriati Mefa Indriati Mega Nur Prabawati Mega Nur Prabawati Mhmd Habibi Mubiar Agustin Muhamad Galang Isnawan Muhamad Syahidul Qirom Muhammad Rifqi Mahmud Muhammad Zaki Mustadin Mustadin N Hidayah Nana Diana Nana Diana Nana Diana Nanang Priatna Nashiha, Maslahatun Nazla Nurul Aulia Panggabean Nia Fatmawati Nilah Karnilah Nineu Erwinda Agustin Nopiyani, Dian Nuke Fitri Yanuari Nunung Nurjanah Nur Anisa Fitri Hasan Nurdiansyah, Rikrik Nurhasanah Nurhasanah Nuur Wachid Abdul Majid Puji Rahayu Raden Nabilah Fahrani Ramadhan Kurnia Habibie Ratni Purwasih Ria Novia Agus Rina Oktaviyanthi Riska Nurhasanah Riska Nurhasanah Rohati Rohati Rohimah, Siti Maryam Rokhmah, Ummi Nur Rosida Marasabessy S Prabawanto Saiman Saiman Sari Herlina Sinta Purnamasari Somchai Watcharapunyawong Sovana Dwi Lestari Sri Adi Widodo Sri Adi Widodo Stanley Pandu Dewanto Sufyani Prabawanto, Sufyani Suhandri Suhandri Suhendra, S Sunata Sunata Supandi Supriatna, Tatang Suryadi Suryadi Syafitri, Yoesrina Novia Vini Syaodih, Ernawulan tatang Herman Tatang Herman, Tatang Tia Purniati Trian Pamungkas Alamsyah Ulfa, Nadia Ummi Nur Rokhmah Utami, Lianni Gustia W Wahyudin Wahyu Sopandi wawan kusmawan Widayanti Widayanti Widya Kusumaningsih Widya Kusumaningsih Wildan Hakim, Wildan Yani Supriani Yanti Mulyanti Yatin Suwarno, Yatin Yaya Kusumah Yaya Sukjaya Kusumah Yeni dwi Kurino Yuliyanto, Aan Yullys Helsa Yuni, Yatha Zakiya Aulia Ilma